Good evening please I feel so depressed and afraid and it's disturbing and feel pains in my eyes(not

8 risposte
Good evening please I feel so depressed and afraid and it's disturbing and feel pains in my eyes(not comfortable the way i look at people)a doctor gave me a medicine called laroxyl 40 mg/ml,so i don't no if i can take laroxyl and alprazolam together? because I feel little bit better when i take alprazolam
Good evening, You are right to pay attention to drug interactions: did the doctor who prescribed laroxyl not ask you what other drugs you take? Contact that doctor as soon as possible

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Hi! Yes, true. I agree with my colleague, you should discuss with your doctor about it.
Have a nice day.
Hi. For this kind of combination of drugs, You should discuss with the doctor about it.
Good evening Sir!
I'm agree with my colleague. Don't feel depressed instead if You want, You can call me for a consulting on line!

Best wishes for You!

Stay strong!!
Hello, you should call this doctor and ask him asap, so you can be assured about drugs interactions. But I want to inform you that you have other ways to help yourself with those feelings of anxiety and depression. In this period everyone is feeling discomfortable and stressed, you should try to talk with a psychotherapist, it can only do you good!
Good morning, all your thoughts are good, but it’s better to talk this argument with your doctor.
Kind regards
Have a nice day
Good evening, for this type of question you must necessarily consult the doctor who prescribed them.
Best regards
Avrei necessità di avere maggiori informazioni, potrebbe inviarmi un messaggio con il suo contatto telefonico? senza impegno.


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